Overall Description

One place where all patients can go to find all information for all prescriptions drugs currently approved to be on market in the United States. Patients can find all drugs that are approved to treat a condition and can compared and contrasted using the information provided by the manufacturers.

Initial Vertical or Segment Focus

Healthcare information with a broad appeal as anyone who is seeking information on prescription information will be the target market.


Drug Label Website-App for Patients



What I Need
  • Software engineers:
    • Machine learning engineers
    • NLP engineers
    • Drug label talent
    • App engineers and designers
  • Product design

Technical Descriptions

A simple and clean initial interface that prompts the patient to enter the condition that theyโ€™re looking to treat and the parameter of comparison which can be any data point including efficacy, dosage, active ingredient, etc.

Special Rationale and/or reference business models

This information is publicly available as mandated by the FDA.ย  A number of companies that have this information but are selling it this information to pharma and other healthcare companies as a BI tool.

Facing this information to the patients would allow the patients to be their own healthcare advocates in terms of prescription drugs.ย  They can see all of the information pertaining to each of the drugs available to address their condition rather than having the accept the one drug that their doctor prescribes.