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Say helloholanǐ hǎobonjourYassu to the possibilities!

Yassu democratizes the start-up process and makes getting to market more accessible.

Woman looking at engaging light bulbs

Say Hi to Yassu!

The imbalances and biases in the start-up ecosystem of traditional funders and accelerator programs has created untapped markets and underrepresented pool of founders based on geography, gender, race and ethnicity and industry and business sectors.

Yassu is an alternate path for Founders and their innovative business ideas from the traditional options. Founders meet talented Collaborators and work together to move their ideas through milestones and achieve wide release to the market.

For Founders:

Starting a business is hard.  And the current start-up ecosystem doesn’t make it easier.

Yassu wants to start a revolution by connecting Founders to talented Collaborators and help Founders create work teams and support systems to move their ideas to market-ready products and solutions.

For Collaborators:

Yassu gives talented Collaborators the chance to make a material and tangible impact on the world.

Applying their skills and expertise with great passion on start-up business ideas overlooked and passed over by the traditional start-up ecosystem, Collaborators can help launch new businesses for the untapped markets addressing previously unmet needs, creating millions of new jobs and billions in new business revenue.

All without ever leaving their current positions, whether it’s a job or school.

For the first time, everyone is on a more level playing field.

  • To create
  • To build
  • Execute and achieve
  • Make lasting impact