Bob and Hae were at Bob’s dining room table in Santa Monica talking about a variety of projects they were working on together and separately. Kloey had a break between her meetings so sat down to say hi.
As it often happens with them, they started talking about new business ideas. Hae told Bob and Kloey about the startup companies her consulting firm was advising and how difficult it was to get the right meeting with the right people, particularly for women and people of color.
Kloey told a story about her friends who all want to start businesses and how they discuss ideas with each other and how sometimes a couple of her friends would form a team to work on an idea together – like she and her friend on an idea they were working on.
She then went on about a time when she was at Berkeley her fellow students wanted to work on startups but didn’t know how to find those opportunities.
Bob mused how he’s had hundreds of ideas in life and how even now, as connected and as accomplished he is, it was difficult for even him to develop his ideas.
Then, Bob said, “Wait. What if . . .”